In partnership with Agronutris, we are developing the next generation of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) meals specifically designed for the aquaculture industry. BSF is emerging as a promising candidate due to its nutritional profile, digestible protein, and amino acid composition, making it an excellent alternative to traditional soy meal.
The black soldier fly cycle
Life Cycle of BSF
The BSF's life cycle is characterized by high yields and a short reproduction cycle. It takes only four weeks for BSF to grow from egg to adult fly. Agronutris’ optimized rearing conditions enable larvae to multiply their weight by 10,000 within two weeks. The larvae are then collected and transformed into valuable ingredients for animal feed.
BSF's ability to thrive on low-grade, affordable substrates, often waste, enhances its commercial viability. Its rapid growth and efficient feed conversion ratio make BSF less resource-intensive. Furthermore, the potential for genetic improvement can lead to even faster and more efficient growth.
Sustainability of BSF
A sustainable insect meal should be decoupled from the human food supply chain and utilize waste-based substrates. Agronutris has developed a model that aligns with this principle, showcasing BSF meal as a nutritious and sustainable option for aquaculture.
There is a strong strategic alignment between Agronutris’ mission to provide low environmental impact alternatives and BioMar's sustainability goals. We aims for 50% of ingredients from a circular and restorative economy and to lower our feed carbon footprint by a third by 2030.
Read the full story and read more about BioMar's sustainability initiatives in our 2023 Sustainability Report.