Best start in life for salmonids

BioMar’s LARVIVA ProStart, a revolutionary first feeding diet, is now available for salmonids. LARVIVA ProStart creates value in terms of feed behaviour in the water and a more active start feeding response of the fry supporting a more robust, high-performing fry.

Trials on salmonid larvae

BioMar’s first feeding diet LARVIVA ProStart has been thoroughly tested in multiple commercial trials on various salmonid species including Rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. The feedback from hatchery managers has been very positive. The trials have proven that salmonid larvae fed on LARVIVA ProStart have improved prerequisites for the best start, which has a positive influence on the rest of their lives.

Best start in life

The benefits of LARVIVA ProStart at first feeding are multifaceted: LARVIVA ProStart is highly digestible, and the particle size ranges are very much in control. LARVIVA ProStart has an extraordinary behaviour in water, providing an extremely slow sinking speed and a very high-water stability.

According to Christina Frisk, Product Manager Fresh Water species for BioMar EMEA, all these make the particles easily available for the fry, increasing the intake of nutrients and enhancing an even feed intake for the whole batch of fry. As the first feeding response is more uniform across the batch, the growth of the fry becomes more homogenous.

"Fry prefer to eat at the top of the water column and they simply cannot resist to LARVIVA ProStart, so to say”, Christina Frisk explains, with a smile. She adds: “LARVIVA ProStart is highly palatable and increases the swim up effect in the fry."

Additionally, LARVIVA ProStart provides an improved growth (SGR) and feed conversion (FCR). The fry become more robust right from the start and the survival rate is higher.

A unique production technology

LARVIVA ProStart is produced with the very special microencapsulation technology. It is a cold production process that gives a very high digestible protein contribution from the carefully selected high quality raw materials used in the unique formulation of this feed.

This novel production technology safeguards the availability of all vitamins, minerals and probiotic ingredients. It also provides a second-to-none physical quality that makes the feed highly stable in the water and, therefore, reduces the impact on water quality.

Enhancing performance

The probiotic included in LARVIVA ProStart is Bactocell®, the only probiotic registered for use in feed in all aquatic species within the European Union. Bactocell® plays a crucial role in supporting the gut microflora, increasing the length of microvilli in the gut and thereby the absorption surface, which supports the immune response and enhances animal performance. Bactocell® is patented for its potential for reducing the rate of vertebral deformities across fish species.

Designed for healthy, high-performance fry

Altogether, LARVIVA ProStart provides fry with best start in life, and farmers with better economy. The faster and stronger initial start is maintained by the fish later in their life when changed to subsequent feeding on extruded pellets.

"The results of the extensive LARVIVA ProStart trials on salmonids go beyond expectations. We look forward to giving a best start in life to salmonid fry and a profitable feed option for our customers", Christina Frisk concludes.

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